Innovations: - Added calendar, playlists, events - Added inbuilt LS Player 1 and LS Player 2 universes. Added export inbuilt universes to Player - Added export of calendar to Player - Added import of calendar to Player - Added property for songs to the number of times they have been used in the calendar. (it is disabled by clicking on an empty spot in the Compositions window) - Added Play and Stop items in the drop-down list when clicking on songs. - Added support for importing models in *.fbx format including all devices placed on it. - Added 2D magic button that allows you to transfer all splines and single instruments from a newly imported 3D model directly to 2D mapping in a few clicks. - Shortened the duration of GIF animations, as well as added a setting for selecting the value of the GIF animations duration - Added export of songs to video files for presentations - With the Shift key held down, the movement of instruments is now linked to the horizontal and vertical axes - Added stop, step forward, step back buttons on the timeline (Activated by PCM on the play button), as well as hotkeys for them - Added a button to hide password display in LS Player properties in the Devices window. - In Art-Net devices search window added PING button for more convenient definition of found devices. found devices - Clicking on the icon of the added converter in the Instruments window causes sending a PING command command to this converter according to its network settings. - The active window where the last mouse click was made is now highlighted with a light grey frame. - Clicking in an empty area in all windows deselects any selected items in those windows. - Added buttons for quickly changing workspaces under the window title bar - Added follow and rotation for splines in 3D - Now in the list of devices in the Devices window, if a port has an addressing error the port is now highlighted in red colour - Main layout can now be moved down to any other layout - When zooming out a lot, addresses and all information about devices are now automatically hide - Added copying of devices in the mapping window with the Ctrl key pressed. Auto-addressing button button is duplicated on the toolbar of the Mapping window. Activation of this button now affects on addresses of new copies of devices - If you create a large number of single devices at the same time (e.g. 200 at a time), if their addresses can no longer fit into one universe, the next instrument will be automatically will be automatically created in the next universe - Added ability to continue drawing a previously drawn spline - Added pixel grid in View - 2D Mapping - Pixel Grid menu. - Added the ability to remove accidentally or deliberately placed double pixels on one spline in one cell (PCM on spline - Remove extra knees) - Added support for dimensions on all three sides of all devices in 3D - Added additional information to pixels on mapping (View - 2D Mapping) - Added panning on the clamped mouse wheel in the Timeline window - Compositions are now renamed by F2 or PCM - Rename, instead of double clicking on their name - Added software build version to the boot screen of the programme - Added 2 chips (GS8206 and WS2814) in converter settings in SPI mode. - Added **LS Converter 8 LITE to the list of adding devices - Added descriptions of new hotkeys in the Help - Hotkeys menu.
Changes: - Updated all demo projects - The PING command in device search has been replaced by the standard Art-Net command - ArtAddress. - Changed default FPS value of songs from 44 to 40, as well as added possibility to specify FPS of new songs when creating a project. - Improved and finalised the welcome window when launching the program - Renamed and translated into Russian the names of some interface elements - Added selection of a single common network card for the whole project - The Enable Art-Net option from the settings has been duplicated to the upper pane of the programme window. - Now it is no longer necessary to enable each converter in the programme separately, they will all be launched from a single button ‘Enable Art-Net’. All converters by default will send the signal to the ‘default’ network card (if necessary, this can be adjusted by the parameters of each converter). - Removed the button to send macro from the properties of all converters - Opacity Wizard button was moved to the right edge. Added the possibility to hide it (click on the buttons on the timeline). - With a very large number of effect keys, the programme was freezing due to real-time updating of values (added adjustable setting). - Items in the View menu have been categorised - The programme window has been changed to a standard Windows window - Compositions now open by double-click - Added multiselect songs - Improved and simplified the logic of adding instruments directly inside a port - When adding an instrument to a port in a minimised player, the player will now automatically maximise with the converter and the port to which the instrument is added. - When adding a large number of instruments to a port, the list of instruments will automatically scroll to the last instrument added. - In the song window, the song being played is now highlighted in orange colour - The ‘default’ distribution of instruments on splines has been changed to ‘uniform’ and removed from the programme. Instruments in old projects are assigned a ‘uniform’ distribution - The View - 2D Mapping - Show splines option is enabled by default. - The rotation property of 3D devices was reset when changing their device type, now it remains assigned to the 3D device itself. - Removed unnecessary elements in 3D objects properties. Added buttons for quick switching to bound 2D devices. In the properties of 2D devices, a similar function has been added
Corrections: - In some situations, it could sometimes fail to display the last instrument at the end of a 3D spline - When selecting an imported model in the 3D window, the camera could sometimes fly off to the side - In all projects when opening them, LS Player was minimised, it will now be maximised by default in old and new projects - When disabling the bloom option in the 3D Preview window properties, the GIF Preview would come out completely black - Converters could be named the same, which caused an error when exporting devices to Player. - A newly added converter from the Art-Net Device Search window did not receive the Art-Net signal immediately. - The LS Player found in the device search is now added to the project exactly as Player - Working in the program with a newly activated licence gave an error about the absence of a licence, added forced reboot after entering the key - Drag&Drop in empty area between splines moved splines to the bottom of the list - In 3D View window textures on imported model looked different depending on viewing angle. - Effects window blinked when changing workspaces (partially fixed) - Programme settings window when it is called is now the main window and cannot fall under the main programme window, which used to cause problems when working. - The window with function settings when switching to Alt+Tab could fall under the main programme window, thus breaking work in it. - 3D Magic Button window when calling it, now it can't fall under the main programme window, which used to cause problems when working in it. - Pixel size on splines in 3D was bound to 2D spline, although it was a property of 3D spline (it concerned moments when a copy of some device was made in 3D). - When creating a copy of 3D devices, saving and reopening the project, 2D devices were detached (partially or completely) from the created copies. - In rare cases Art-Net signal could be sent from an empty composition. - In some situations, when a spline was selected and the effects window was opened, the selected tool on the mapping toolbar automatically switched from Select and Move to Edit. - When linking single instruments on mapping, if they were linked to 3D instruments, they were unlinked from them, but their beams (spotlight or wallwasher) were not. - In rare cases, when working on mapping, the programme could freeze and the devices would stick to the mouse, which would cause them to move spontaneously. - Instruments in the User Library section were restored after reloading the programme after deleting and saving them. - Sometimes it was necessary to double-click on a layout to display its properties. - Patching of SPI instruments in more than 2 universes per port was not working properly. - Sometimes devices on a long spline in 3D were not distributed over its entire length. - Sometimes 3D splines could have 1 phantom pixel. - When importing a model prepared in Blender, the spline was imported as a set of separate segments. - Sometimes when changing the duration of the composition this change was not displayed immediately - Reverse property of splines in 3D did not affect wallwasher or spotlight rays. - The smooth option in 3D spline properties sometimes caused the 3D Preview window to freeze. - Splines in 3D sometimes spontaneously rotated and moved when they were selected with active tools to modify them (move, rotate). - After importing a model with a texture in *.obj format, the texture had to be reassigned to be displayed in 3D. - Sometimes preview compositions were not displayed correctly - When importing a *.dxf file and cancelling (ctrl+z) and repeating (ctrl+shift+z) this action sometimes caused program crash. - Imported instruments from *.dxf file sometimes exceeded the mapping by 1 pixel - Imported instruments from *.dxf file were sometimes added with distribution type ‘uniform’ instead of ‘fixed pixels’ - When adding elbows to a spline, sometimes they were added in the wrong place. - 2D splines were not attached to 3D object circle - Clicking on the outermost pixel in the Mapping field did not call its properties. - The set channels effect was not selected on the timeline in the area where other effects display the blending mode and opacity property. - In the set channels effect, the slider could glitch when moving it quickly from side to side. - Restored multiselect of instruments in the set channels effect - In the set channels effect, the channel list of added instruments was added in the reverse order of WBGR instead of RGBW. 11843 - UPD Updated boot screen splash screen 11837 - FIX Fixed W channel bug in wallwasher rgbw and spotlight rgbw instruments in the instrument library 11829 - UPD Moved all 3D view parameters in the menu from View to the View - 3D View submenu 11827 - FIX At low resolution, sometimes the sliders for effect parameters would not fit in the menu 11821 - FIX Fixed Wallwasher and Spotlight names in the instrument library 11818 - UPD Optimized and updated demo projects 11815 - NEW Added properties to songs: Name, duration, comment, repeat and infinite playback 11813 - FIX Turned off multiselect when mapping 3D instruments to mapped instruments 11808 - NEW Added markup for easier previewing of GIF animations to .cue files. In the menu View - 3D Preview - Show 3D GIF borders 11804 - FIX In the English program interface, in the instrument library the image was shifted to the side 11801 - FIX In the instrument library, when adding a custom image with different proportions to an instrument, the image was shifted to the side. with different proportions, it went out of bounds and overlapped some interface details. 11799 - NEW When creating a new instrument in the instrument library, the new instrument is now automatically highlighted 11792 - FIX When creating elbows on a spline, the spline was only modified after the elbow was selected 11774 - UPD Some names in the interface have been translated into other languages. Blending mode “Color Light - Lighter” was renamed to “Vivid Light”, mode “Overlay” in Russian localization was translated to “Overlap”, mode “Lighten” mode in Russian localization was changed to “Lighten”. 11758 - FIX Transferred device from Mapping to 3D using Magic 3D button in the future was not changed if we changed the device type of its main device in Mapping. 11756 - FIX Sometimes deleted devices from the project remained phantom in the device library. in the “Instruments in Project” folder. 11745 - FIX The approximate size of the exported song in the export window did not change immediately. when changing the duration of the song 11602 - UPD At any repeated call to the instrument library if this window has already been opened previously and placed below the main window from the program, it is now forcibly is now forcibly brought to the foreground. Two or more windows cannot now be opened 11576 - FIX In the instrument library, the number was not visible in locked fields 11572 - NEW Instruments in the instrument library can now be deleted with the Delete or Backspace key and a window will appear where you must confirm the deletion (can be done with Enter). 11571 - NEW When closing the instrument library, the state of all folders expanded or collapsed in the library is now memorized. 11567 - NEW A popup menu has been added to the instrument library when clicking on the instrument PCM. 11564 - FIX Fixed chip name USC1903 (was) - USC1903 (became). 11554 - NEW In the instrument library, when copying an instrument to custom, the instrument just copied is now automatically highlighted 11544 - UPD The input indicator in all text and numeric fields has been changed from black to light gray 11538 - FIX Sometimes canceling actions in a composition by Ctrl+Z was only visible after switching to another song and back 11537 - FIX Fixed program crash when deleting and reinserting an effect into a song 11536 - FIX Fixed bug with duplicating added sequences, canceling Ctrl+Z and repeating Ctrl+Shift+Z of this action 11520 - UPD Updated default Player address from to 11514 - FIX When changing the device type of patched devices, the icon of the port fullness was not updated automatically. port was not updated automatically 11503 - UPD The control buttons at the bottom of the instrument library window were changed. 11501 - FIX Sometimes in the effects library, when switching between sections, a Save error popped up. Save error 11471 - FIX Export settings were reset when the project was reopened (not saved in the project when it was saved in the project when saving it) 11065 - FIX Export settings were reset when rearranging songs. 11469 - FIX The Remove button did not work in the Set challens effect 11468 - FIX When the fixtires window in the set channels effect is called again, the program crashes. 11467 - FIX When distributing fixed pixels in 3D, the reverse button of the selected device did not work. 11465 - NEW Added name to properties of single devices and splines 11464 - FIX Last frame was duplicated in all sequences 11456 - FIX The address of the last pixel of a patched instrument in a port was not counted correctly. 11440 - FIX The visible checkbox did not disable visibility for patched instruments 11439 - FIX If the devices were placed without a grid reference and you clicked on the move square on them, the devices were moved without the possibility to cancel this action. 11435 - FIX A single unit in 3D, if a single unit from mapping was bound to it, it was not possible to change its parameters in 3D 11434 - FIX The selection of multiple devices in the list of devices in the Set chanells effect became more visible. 11433 - FIX The Set channels effect affected devices even if its length was reduced and the timeline had already finished playing it. 11431 - FIX The Set channels effect played animation with slowing down 11430 - FIX If “internal rs485 intercase” (built-in universe) was enabled in Light Stream Player then when transferring device settings from Light Stream to Player (via Player's properties) an error popped up and the settings were not transferred. 11423 - NEW In the View - Show splines menu a setting was added to enable the display of splines (even if they are not displayed at all). splines are always displayed (even if they are not selected) 11421 - FIX If a spline had Fixed pixels allocation mode on mapping, it was not played in 3D 11420 - NEW Added Bind and Unbind tools that allow you to bind single instruments into a spline and vice versa to decouple a spline into a single unit. 11418 - FIX In the instrument library of non-editable instruments (standard in the program) it was impossible to scroll through long lists with the number of channels, they did not fit in the window. 11414 - FIX Setting with beam display in instrument library and in instrument properties in 3D was called differently 11403 - FIX When selecting instruments inside the port occupancy one by one instead of selecting them one by one, each next selection was added to the previous one. 11402 - FIX When deleting elbows from a spline, phantom elbows sometimes moved to the end of the spline and stayed there. 11401 - FIX When deleting elbows from a spline, phantom elbows remained in the spline 11390 - UPD Changed the view of windows with settings of all functions (functions when binding to any parameter of the effect). to any parameter of the effect) 11389 - UPD Some names in the interface have been translated into other languages 11353 - FIX When binding to the grid was disabled when adding instruments, they were still bound to the grid. to the grid. Now when adding devices without grid binding they are not bound to the grid. 11352 - FIX If a few single pixels were placed without snapping to the grid, then when they were selected and resized, they were forcibly snapped to the grid (Provided the snap to grid button was disabled) 11345 - FIX When adding elbows to a spline, they were added to the wrong place (the bug was fixed partially and sometimes occurs again). partially fixed and sometimes occurs again) 11302 - FIX Models loaded without textures 11294 - FIX When changing the instrument type of any instrument, its address in the window was not updated immediately. Devices were not updated immediately 11291 - FIX If a spline was resized immediately after reflection (horizontally or vertically), the reflection was automatically canceled 11286 - FIX A 2D spline was not linked to a spline in 3D if the visibility of the spline in 2D was disabled. visibility disabled 11275 - FIX If one of the files in the sequences was damaged or replaced, then when trying to add it to the program, the sequences were automatically canceled. it to the program, the sequences were either played as “corrupted” or the program crashed. Now incorrect, broken or not found sequences are marked in red color 11189 - FIX Sticking effects to each other on the timeline (with the Shift key held down) did not work correctly 11173 - FIX If you deleted effects and then added a new layout, this action was canceled by Ctrl+Z incorrectly. 11156 - FIX Effects had a non-linear change in transparency when decreasing it 11133 - FIX When cloning effects and clicking on the timeline, new effects were shifted to the side of the click. 11124 - FIX The button with effect settings could be clicked only on the area in the center of the button, not the whole button (the part near the edges did not give any effect when clicking on it). 11088 - NEW Added RGBW-default device 11062 - FIX In some situations, when changing the number of pixels of a 2D device that was linked to a spline in 3D, the spline in 3D was no longer displayed. 11055 - FIX In the menu for duplicating an effect to another song (on the timeline), if there was a “_” in the name, it was not displayed in the list. 11048 - FIX In 3D, if a spotlight had visibility disabled, it was still visible. 11039 - FIX In the instrument library, if an image was added to a custom instrument, the thumbnail icon to the left of the name in the list was not displayed. 11029 - FIX Instead of canceling an action when dragging an effect between leyouts, a new one was created. 11014 - NEW A window with a list of all hotkeys was added to the Help - Hotkeys menu. 11007 - FIX Single instrument names were displayed incorrectly 10992 - FIX If you deleted an effect, switched to another song, then back to the first one and pressed Ctrl+Z, the deleted effect was not displayed immediately and you had to switch between songs again. 10987 - FIX If you loaded a sequence, moved it to a different layout, canceled Ctrl+Z and repeated Ctrl+Shift+Z, the sequence was added an extra time (duplicated). 10955 - FIX When deleting several faces at the same time, phantom pixels remained on a large spline after deletion. 10954 - FIX Background image could not be reselected 10909 - FIX Spotlight in 3D did not change Size 10901 - FIX It was not possible to set a transparent background picture for the background of a layout 10891 - FIX When the reload button was pressed, the resample parameter of the background image was broken. 10890 - FIX In some cases it was impossible to resize all instruments correctly on mapping if splines + single devices were selected 10885 - FIX Some actions could cause a layer on the timeline to stick to the timeline pointer 10872 - FIX After removing all effects from a composition, its preview image continued to appear as if it still had effects in it 10870 - FIX When creating leyouts, the effects in them were displayed distorted and it was necessary to resize the leyout to make them correct 10863 - UPD Translated some elements of the program into other languages. Also some names were named more correctly. 10802 - FIX After playing a song with audio for a while, stopping, and playing it again, the first second of the song played the wrong sound. 10783 - FIX When deleting any 3D object in the 3D View window, the camera view was reset to Perspective. 10779 - FIX Fixed display of project previews in the welcome window of the program (became square) 10775 - NEW Added increased addressing for devices in converters with two universes per port in the View - Show device multicast addresses menu. 10774 - NEW Added parameter for uniform pixel distribution on complex splines with several segments 10773 - FIX When changing the workspace to the standard one, a small Effects window appeared in the upper left corner. in the upper left corner 10631 - NEW In the drop-down menu in the Effects window, when clicking on any effect, an “Add” item was added (to the timeline) 10517 - NEW A parameter with sliders affecting the mapping of RGBW channels to physical devices was added to the composition properties of the selected composition. 9839 - NEW If you click PCM on a composition, an item with setting the duration of this composition was added to the drop-down menu. The name of the song to be customized has been added to the song duration window. 9760 - FIX Selection in the 2D instruments to 3D instruments linking window was poorly visible in the selection window 9354 - FIX Instruments were highlighted if their display was disabled by the general “Instruments” button 9114 - FIX Converter renaming parameter did not work when configuring converters, through the ArtNet device search window
Version 0.15.6 - Fixed an issue causing the calendar to hang in February in the monthly scenario - Fixed an issue resulting in the need to double-click a button to display the menu in the mobile version. - Fixed bugs in validation of player settings. - Fixed an issue causing an inability to delete a certificate with a dot in the name. - Fixed loss of access to web interface when switching to https - Fixed nodered authorization errors when switching to https. - Maximum size of log files increased to 4gb - Priorities for playback commands from interface, schedule and triggers can be configured manually. - Priorities for “default” playback commands have been changed. New priorities: - Schedule events - 40 - Triggers - 50 - Interface buttons - 60 - When changing priority values, animation playback is restarted. - Fixed localization errors. - Added a field with the reason of connection error, if any, to the modem interface settings. - In APN settings of the modem interface username and password fields can be left empty. - The version info field of the ArtPoll replay package encodes the full version of the player software. - Fixed display of the version number of the found player in the ArtNet devices table - Disabled ability to rollback updates.
Version 0.15.2 - Fixed address double-posting on V1 players - Optimised the size of the created backup before installing the update - Added Node-Red - MQTT broker is available on port 1883 for external connections. - Added mqtt-pub and mqtt-sub user roles to allow external clients to connect to MQTT broker. - Added ArtAddress packet listening for light player identification - Fixed display of current state of DO ports on page refresh - Fixed selection of null port in Action settings - Fixed display of serial ports in UI when switching to HTTPS - Fixed display of current certificate in security settings - Fixed inability to change current certificate in security settings - Connection status to service provider is displayed correctly - Fixed switching from manual settings to DHCP - Fixed error with security certificates not being displayed - Fixed display of IP addresses on interfaces when receiving them via DHCP
Version 0.14.9. - Fixed display of serial ports in the interface when switching to https. - Fixed display of current certificate in security settings. - Fixed inability to change current certificate in security settings. - Connection status to the service provider is displayed correctly - Fixed switching from manual settings to dhcp. - Fixed error with non-displayed security certificates. - Fixed display of IP addresses on interfaces when receiving them via DHCP
Version 0.14.5 - Added player detection using Art-Net protocol - Added DI/DO port control - Improved DMX signal playback via inbuilt ports - Added ability to play animations through the screen menu - Added MQTT API for diode control of Player V2 ports - Display current playback status on screen - Expanded on-screen menu functionality - Reduced screen brightness
Version 0.13.7 - Timed and manual triggers work together - Full MQTT API support - Triggers saved on backup - Ability to adjust brightness between playlists and events - Limit on the number of animations played by a trigger - Playlist cloning - Support for RDM devices - Both playlists and individual replicas can be selected for an activity - Display of calendar events longer than one day - Ability to select certificates with a space in the name in web access settings - Increased length of playlist name field - Added tracking of Enter and Esc key presses when deleting animations and playlists - Reduced animation playback time errors - Reduced animation playback time errors. - Fixed playback order when adding animations to a playlist. - Fixed side menu display in the Russian version of the interface. - Fixed month change arrows in the calendar. - Removed the "all day" slot from the calendar screen for month and week - Fixed fade in and transition effects working even if there is only one animation in the playlist - Removed restriction on the start date of scheduled events. - Loaded animation files with Cyrillic names - The button to add a new device does not disappear when reloading the page. - Added check for event start and end date and time: start date and time cannot be greater than end date and time. - General form settings are no longer reset when switching between single and multiple calendar event modes. - Administrator rights cannot be removed from a user. - Fixed button to configure transitions between scenes in playlists. - Fixed simultaneous execution of multiple triggers - Fixed update bug when there is no "default gateway" on the system. - Fixed loading of animations, Art-Net programmes and devices when changing access mode to https - Fixed progress bar and smoothness. - Fixed RTC operation status - Free gateways can be configured in wired interface network settings - Playlists cannot be deleted if they are used in a programme or trigger - Animations cannot be deleted if they are used in a programme, trigger or playlist. - The playback pause function has been deleted. - Fixed time display. - Fixed playback order when adding animations to playlists.
Version 0.12.4 - The mechanism and interface for loading animations has been completely changed. - All animations are now loaded independently of each other. - Now additional loading of animations at connection failure without loss of progress. - Added automatic restart of playback service in case of error. - Added display of RTC status. - Added Player restart button. - Added debugging information collection button for contacting technical support. - Added automatic fps calculation when changing timings in ArtNet converter. - Added rotation of operation logs. - Improved stability of date and time change. - Improved support for non LS ArtNet converters. - Improved form of creating and editing calendar event: - When changing from or to time type, values are now reset to default "00::00" and 0 respectively. Default values for astronomical types are now 0, instead of null. - Increased ArtPollReplay wait timeout to 25 seconds (10 ArtPollRequest sent). - Fixed incorrect display of firmware version in web-interface. - Fixed hanging of animation playback information display. - Fixed dialogue size when deleting a converter. - Fixed loading of action field in the table of converters. - Fixed too small area of button triggering. - Fixed refreshing of playlist list when deleting one of them. - Fixed play buttons state reset when refreshing animations and playlists pages. - Fixed incorrect playback order for animations with the number of repetitions set to more than 1000 times. - Fixed checksum field definition in RDM package. - Fixed number of ArtTodControls sent if converter has the same universes on several ports. - Fixed bugs in trigger creation form. - Fixed bugs in rendering scenes in playlists. - Fixed a mechanism for restoring settings (restore) where you could load settings without having animation files. Before restoring settings, it is now necessary to load all animations that were there at the time of backup. - Fixed a situation where it was possible to delete an animation currently playing.
Version 0.10.0 - Added internal ArtNet to DMX converter working on rs485 port.
Version 0.9.102 - Added service for monitoring and configuration of devices via ArtNet and RDM - Fixed a bug in displaying inscriptions in table footer. - Fixed problem with "default" time in event creation form. - Calendar event was not created if fromtime and totime fields were left at "default" values - Improved updating of event information by playback service, which fixes issue with scripts not running. - Fixed sorting by version in the table with updates. - Fixed connection to certificate websocket.
Version 0.9.91 - Removed Player page - Removed Monitoring page - Changed interface of Cues page - Changed Playlist page interface - Added calendar events mode with astronomical time reference. - Main setting page is divided into two pages Player and Location - Added Chinese language.
Version 0.9.9 - Fixed player bug in artsync causing it to crash. - Changed interface of the user configuration page - Added functionality for creating, deleting and editing users. - Changed visual design of all panels.
Version 0.9.8 - Added artsync.
Version 0.9.7 - Fixed player bug when sending ArtNet to an unavailable converter. - Fixed problems with scrolling and clicking scene buttons in mobile version. - Fixed validation of from_min and to_min fields in eventForm. - Added validation of special characters in the name field for Certificate, Triggers, Actions, Converters creation forms. - Fixed sticking on minutes in v-time-picker. - Fixed translation. - Fixed an issue with eventForm where it was impossible to set the date in the start_date field of the form for a single event if the event was configured as a recurring event with an end date. - Fixed a bug where it was impossible to set the system time manually. - The default network port for the add converter form is now 6454. - Fixed saving cue files with dots in the name. - Fixed a bug where when changing a converter that is already assigned to a universe, the settings were not applied until a reboot. - Changed visual design of the sidebar.
Version 0.9.5 - added https settings - Added ability to create and upload https certificates. - Bugfix: Trigger Service: - When creating a trigger, socket errors no longer crash the system but cause a log entry and stop the attempt to create this trigger. For example errors with an already used network port. Update service: - Fixed bug with insufficient access rights when rolling back changes.
Version 0.9.4 - added triggers service - changed logos
Version 0.9.1 - added update service - Load songs and "clean" cue with one button - When there is not enough space, a readable message is displayed. - Logs display - bug fix
Version 0.8.1 - added transition effect for scenes inside playlist - added possibility to download debugging information for tech support. - "regular" animations and MM songs now have the same .cue extension - nginx logs are now written to the system log - added rpi 4 licensing option - bug fix
Version 0.7 - Added backup and restore functionality - Added ability to create events with completion time on the next day - Implemented upload of song files from MediaMaste - bug fix
Version 0.6 - Added licensing and code obfuscation - Completely redesigned animation loading logic - The backend is split into two services. wsgi handles gunicorn. asgi handles daphne. - added lightmaster installation script - buf fix
Version 0.5 - Added user authentication and authorization - bug fix
Version 0.4 - Added monitoring - Added network settings
Version 0.3 - Completely new shell - Added ability to load cue - Added ability to load gif to cue - Entities are set to Cue - Playlist - Event view - Improved performance up to 128 simultaneous universes
Version 0.2 - Added manual mode - Added cmt mode - Added packet sending mode - unicast - Added mailing settings for each universe - Added Art-Net device settings
Version 0.1 - Created basic Player functionality for playing animations
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KULXK02Z5A; Unpacking Light Stream Player и Converter; 5:52;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuqx8q7OGrE; Remote control GSM 4G; 3:50;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2lcP8r7B7A; Light Stream Promo for lighting designers; 1:16;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yMR__kkpFY; Quick start in the Light Stream programme; 22:43;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a4-D1mqL8c; Hardware selection and operation with SPI LED strips (ws2815, ws2811, SK6822, UCS8903, etc.); 14:46;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRjLUX_IP6Y; Update Light Stream; 9:55;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXrkwbjAlec; Simultaneous start of architectural lighting scenarios on two freestanding buildings.; 30:07;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcXU8U23QWw; Manual: Controlling the lights on the Ferris wheel via ArtNET protocol; 44:51;